UNITED UNIVERSITY OF NURSING is an Education Provider approved by the CALIFORNIA BOARD OF REGISTERED NURSING provider Number CEP # 17732

  • Contact Hours Awarded

    Upon completion of this course you will earn a certificate of completion and 30 Contact Hours approved through the California Board of Registered Nursing

Course curriculum

    1. Nursing Pharmacology

    2. Course Intructions

    3. Course Resources

    4. Textbook Navigation Video - Please review prior to starting course.

    1. Kinetics and Dynamics

    2. Time for a Knowledge Check

    1. Ethical and Legal Aspects

    2. Medication orders and Administration

    3. Development and Drug Approval Process

    1. Antimicrobials

    2. Time for a Knowledge Check

    1. Autonomic Nervous System

    2. Time for a Knowledge Check

    1. Respiratory System

    2. Time for a Knowledge Check

  • $79.95

Meet the Course Author

Professor Dr. Julia Robinson

Julia Robinson, DNP, APRN, GCNS-BC, FNP-C, PHN is a board certified geriatric clinical nurse specialist and family nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience as a registered nurse. She has taught in all areas of nursing with populations across the lifespan for over 15 years. Dr. Robinson's innovative teaching practice promotes learning experiences necessary to achieve the highest quality of care. Dr. Robinson has a passion for nursing, and nursing education for nurses at all levels.

United We Learn